Oh no! It hasn't even been a week and I forgot to post yesterday! Darn. I am so bad at that, but I am busy in college.
Today I bring you water marbled nails.
I have only done this once and here they are.

Let me tell you something about water marbling, it's a mess!! At least when I did these it was. Since then I have learned a little trick to cutting down on the mess. Here is how to do water marbling:
1. Get a container that you can fill with water. It must be big enough for you to dip your nails into. I used a small plastic container that was usually used to hold leftover food.
2. Fill with water. (=
3. Drop the colors that you want into the water. You may use as many colors as you like!
4. Use a toothpick to swirl the colors together. Make sure it looks neat in the water because it will be the mirror image of that on your nails! ***Be careful with this if you have used a lot of different colors!! If you over swirl the colors they will mix into a not very pretty color.
5. This is the step I just learned! Put tape around your nail to minimize the mess. BRILLIANT! Ha. I can't believe I didn't do this. I seriously needed to take a picture of these nails BEFORE I removed all of the extra polish.
6. Dip your nail into a spot that looks pretty to you! Hold it for a few seconds so that it has time to adhere to the nail. Carefully remove your nail from the water.
7. Repeat for all nails. Eventually the original polish may start to dry or become too blended. You may have to clean out your container and start over.
These nails take some time, but they look fantastic! I think it'd be really cool with some bright colors. It may look kind of like tie dye.
On a side note, I received some new polish today!! OPI in Brake for Manicures.

It's a very dark purple. I thought it would be a nice winter or fall color. (=
Paint on!
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