I've really been missing my golfing days. If the golf course here weren't soooo far away from my dorm I would bring my clubs and go every once in a while. I really, really miss golfing. It's no longer golf season. I can't go golf over Thanksgiving break. I've been thinking of contacting the coach here and getting involved. I think I could be very convincing, but I'm going to need a ride out to the course. I'm not the best golfer ever. I know I won't be making the team, but with the right coaching I could become great. I take direction so well, but I think the golf season for college girls is over...maybe next year?
So here are some nails I did two years ago for my first golf meet of my junior year of high school.

I've basically ditched the bowling team. My dad never sent me the money for my ball. I haven't been attending practices either. I'm not sure why. I've been stuck to my dorm more than normal lately. Never really leaving it other than to go to class.
I miss golf.
Paint on.
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